Here at Victory we don't have to serve, we get to serve. We believe that how we serve both inside the church

and outside is a witness to God's love, His heart for others, and He has uniquely gifted us for the advancement of His Kingdom. 

First Impressions

The First Impressions teams help facilitate the various aspects of in-person gatherings at Victory Bible Church. In most cases, they serve as the initial point of connect with our guests and family. Our heart is for everyone to receive to warm, welcoming, experience from the parking lot, to their seat, and back. 

             Agape Greeters

Be the first to welcome guests as soon as they arrive in-person. Provide a friendly smile, warm hug, or simple hello while helping to direct people inside, to our Victory Kids check-in and answer any questions that may arise. 



In- Person on Sundays |

7:30AM-8:30AM & 10:30AM-11:30AM

Agape Greeters at Victory Bible Church in Pasadena, CA


The ushers provide a hospitable atmosphere in the sanctuary to ensure everyone has a seat, to guide guests to their seats, and help facilitate offering collection. 



In- Person on Sundays | 8:30AM & 11:00AM

Ushers at Victory Bible Church in Pasadena, CA


Our parking team is one of the very first interactions many people have with us. You provide a friendly greeting while also helping people safely park, cross the street, and directing them to additional parking (when needed) and our front entrance. Your help will also be needed at the end of service as people leave. Serving on this team requires you to be friendly, attentive, and assertive to ensure everyone feels both welcomed and safe.



In- Person on Sundays | 8:30AM & 11:00AM

             Connect Center

The connect center team serves as the bridge between Victory and the next steps people can take on their journey. Whether they're first time guests, someone looking for more information about lifegroups, baptism,  and more, connect center team members are ready and available to provide support. This role is perfect for warm detail oriented volunteer who wants to help others get plugged into the life of our church.



In- Person on Sundays | 8:30AM & 11:00AM before and directly following service

Connect Center at Victory Bible Church in Pasadena, CA

Sunday Experience

Our Sunday Experience teams serve in a number of capacities to help ensure a smooth and enjoyable worship experience both in person and online. 

             Choir/Praise Team 

Our choir and praise team are integral to the worship experience at Victory. They help to create an atmosphere where we can all worship God together. This role may require an audition.



In- Person on Sundays | 8:30AM & 11:00AM

In- Person Rehearsal on Thursdays | 7:00PM-9:00PM

Praise Team at Victory Bible Church in Pasadena, CA

            Audio/Visual Team

Be the first to welcome guests as soon as they arrive in-person. Provide a friendly smile, warm hug, or simple hello while helping to direct people inside, to our Victory Kids check-in and answer any questions that may arise. 



In- Person on Sundays | 8:30AM & 11:00AM

Audio and Visual Team at Victory Bible Church in Pasadena, CA

             Media / Stream

The ushers provide a hospitable atmosphere in the sanctuary to ensure everyone has a seat, to guide guests to their seats, and help facilitate offering collection. 



In- Person on Sundays | 8:30AM & 11:00AM

Media at Victory Bible Church in Pasadena, CA

             Dance & Flags

Our Victory dance teams help amplify the worship experience through the use of dance and flags. We have a number of dance teams ranging in ages and ability. This would be ideal for you if you love to dance and worship through movement. This role may require an audition.



In- Person on Sundays | 8:30AM & 11:00AM

*Note rehersals times required.

Dance and Flags at Victory Bible Church in Pasadena, CA

Next Gen Ministries

The amazing group of people helps to lead and serve the next generation! If you love children, youth, and a heart to see the nex generation learn about God, this is perfect for you. Even if you don't feel like you have a desire to lead up front or teach, there's always a place for classroom support, supply and snack donations, and more.

             Greeters & Check-In/Out

The Greeters and Check-In/Check-Out Team makes sure every family and child are welcome with a smile to ensure safety and care within Victory Kids. Signing up for this role requires a background check and training.



In- Person on Sundays | 8:30AM & 11:00AM

30mins before service and directly following

Greeters at Victory Bible Church in Pasadena, CA

             Victory Kids (Toddlers)

This team of volunteers provides a fun and safe environment for kids ages 2-4 to worship together and learn about Jesus. This role is perfect for those who love toddlers, have patience, and love leading and playing with the little ones. This role will require a background check and training.



In- Person on Sundays | 8:30AM & 11:00AM

Victory Kids Toddlers at Victory Bible Church in Pasadena, CA

             Victory Kids ( Grades K-5)

This team of volunteers provides a fun and safe environment for kids ages K-5 to worship together and learn about Jesus. Do you have a passion for group facilitation or storytelling? Maybe you simply like to support, lead games, or small groups. This role will require a background check and training.



In- Person on Sundays | 8:30AM & 11:00AM

Victory Kids Grades K5 at Victory Bible Church in Pasadena, CA

             Youth ( Grades 6-12) 

Our youth team provides a fun and safe enviornment for students to learn about Jesus, have fun, and grow together. This team helps to create and facilitate programming and opportunities for discipleship, which includes leading games, small groups, helping with set-up/tear down and more. This role will require a background check.



Small Groups meet twice a month and there is at least one youth outing/gathering once a month

Youth at Victory Bible Church in Pasadena, CA

             Crossroads Young Adults

This team helps to leads and serve the young adults at Victory Bible Church and the community. You will be apart of helping to create and faciliate creative programming, resources, and discipleship opportunities for young adults 18-25 and young professionals, 26-35.



1-2x a month. Connect with the ministry leader for more details | blamar@vbcpasadena.org

Crossroads Young Adults at Victory Bible Church in Pasadena, CA

More Serve


There are a number of ministries who have a place on their volunteer team just for you. From our Men's and Women's Ministry, to outreach, and administrative support. Check them out! 

             Be Women's Ministry Team

Our Be Women's ministry serves the women of Victory and the community. This teams helps with developing and facilitating opportunties for women to gather and grow together, which includes our monthly gathering and more.


Women's Ministry Team at Victory Bible Church in Pasadena, CA

             Men of Valor Team

Our Men of Valor team serves the men of Victory and the community. This teams helps with developing and facilitating opportunties for men to gather and grow together, which includes our monthly gathering and more.

Men of Valor Team at Victory Bible Church in Pasadena, CA

              Local Outreach

This team of volunteers is passionate about serving our city and sharing the love of Christ with those in need. They seek out opportunities and help lead outreach efforts around Pasadena, which has included serving meals at Union Station, handing out blankets and care packages at local parks and more in the past.

Local Outreach at Victory Bible Church in Pasadena, CA

             Administrative Support 

This teams helps our office staff and operations team with various tasks, projects, and events at the church. This faithful crew offers support with a lot of the behind the scenes that help make what Victory does a success. If you have some administrative skill, love to help, or simply have a willing hand, this may be a place for you.

Administrative Support at Victory Bible Church in Pasadena, CA